Self-Care is the Key to Self-Confidence

Self-Care is the Key to Self-Confidence

Posted by Lynn Power on

Are you struggling with your confidence? If you are, then you can join the very long list of people who are also in your shoes. This is not us telling you that it’s something you need to get over because everyone experiences it, it’s us letting you know that you are not alone in the way that you are feeling. But, one of the things that you can try to bring back your confidence is a little bit of self care. If you don’t do this already, then it’s something that might make a world of difference, and that’s what we want to talk about today. Keep reading if you are interested in finding out more.

Take Care Of Your Hair

The first thing that we’re going to suggest is that you take care of your hair (yes, you knew we'd say that). Your hair is something that everyone can see, all of the time, and you need to take care of it so that it's healthy and hydrated. You need to ensure that you are maintaining it properly by using the right products (clean, vegan, salon quality), that you are careful not to create breakage (switch hair ties for kanzashi sticks), and that you are getting regular trims. If you color your hair, you have to take extra care to make sure it's well nourished and hydrated as it will be more brittle. Of course, you can change up the length, the style, the color, and whatever else you want about your hair, as long as it’s healthy.

Taking care of your hair will make you feel good as it’s definitely something that will stand out in the mirror when you next have a look.

Take Care Of Your Skin

Another thing that we recommend is that you take care of your skin properly. We don’t want you to get to an obsessive point where you are piling products onto your skin that you do not need (in fact, often, less can be more), but a simple skincare routine is beneficial for everyone. Make sure your products are clean (no toxic ingredients) and also include some spf into your routine, because as we know, it’s important to wear sun protection every day rather than just when the sun is out.

Some people do their routine in the morning, some people do theirs at night, but it’s down to your personal preference. Some people also do both, depending on the current condition of their skin.

Take Care Of Body Modifications

Finally, with body piercings being so prevalent these days (84% of women have their ears pierced and 14% of people have body piercings), you want to take care of any body modifications that you make if you want them to help you with your confidence. For example, when you are researching is 14g bigger than 16g and other bits about piercings, you should also look at the best ways to clean them and ensure that they stay in good condition. Nothing is worse than irritated or infected piercings, which can have the opposite effect on your self-esteem as you'll be covering them up vs showing them off.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you can try out in the hopes that it will boost your self confidence. Sometimes it really is as simple as the fact that you are not looking after yourself properly, and as soon as you start doing this, things will get better. We hope that this is the case for you, and that you start to feel your confidence returning in no time.

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